Steven Camp MD Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics
3416 Lovell Avenue, Suite 200
Fort Worth, Texas 76107
Phone: (817) 228-4315
Fax: (817) 719-9323
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
24 Year Old Stay at Home Mom is Pleased to Enhance her Shape
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Before & After
Case Details
Breast augmentation can be a hard choice for moms as they so often put everyone above their needs. We are so glad this 24 year old stay at home mom chose to come see us and put her needs first for a bit. #itsmyturn. With a young baby at home, this mom was a great candidate for Dr. Camp's 24-Hour Rapid Recovery from Breast Augmentation protocol. Together, they chose Allergan 335cc silicone gel moderate plus profile breast implants.
Her breast augmentation surgery took about an hour and was performed at an accredited outpatient surgery facility in Fort Worth, Texas. She recovered at home and was instructed to go to dinner the night of her surgery to keep her up and moving towards the 24-Hour Rapid Recovery from Breast Augmentation.
Her pictures were taken 12 weeks after surgery and represent a happy SAHM.
If you are a mom ready to put yourself first for a bit, please call our office at 817-228-4315 or fill out the form below.