Choosing the Right Breast Implant Size (Updated 2023)

Choosing the right size implant for your breast augmentation.

The decision to get breast implants is an exciting and empowering choice for breast augmentation patients. Once that decision is made, though, choosing the right breast implant size is often accompanied by some anxiety. Women bring in “wish” photos showing what they want to look like, but making a final choice on implant size can still be difficult.

Fortunately, the process of choosing breast implants has come a long way in the past decade or so. We use a 3D imaging system called VECTRA® that provides true-to-life images of how a patient may look with different-sized implants. Let’s take a look at the progress we’ve made in helping women choose the right size breast implants.


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Before & After Breast Augmentation Case 56 View #1 View in Fort Worth & Arlington, Texas
Before & After Breast Augmentation

The Old Way To Select Breast Implant Size

In the past, patients resorted to using breast implant “sizers” stuffed inside their bras. They stood in front of full-length mirrors until they decided if they liked what they saw. It was sort of like trying on shoes; you like them in the store, but when you get home, you’re not so sure. This limited approach also limited our ability to guide patients. Unfortunately, many women ended up second-guessing their choices after the procedure.

For example, some women selected oversized implants that stretched breast skin and resulted in sagging. Due to limited technology to help visualize their results, other patients ended up with smaller breasts than they envisioned. Either way, these drawbacks often led to breast augmentation revision procedures.

A Modern Way To Choose Breast Implants

The modern way to select breast implants is significantly different, including the use of advanced 3D imaging such as VECTRA. In addition to using 3D imaging, cosmetic breast surgeons now focus on tissue-based planning. Let me explain what that means.

As a plastic surgeon, my job is to help my Fort Worth-area breast augmentation patients understand the relationship between the size and shape of their existing breasts, their body’s frame, and their lifestyle. This approach helps me guide women toward choosing breast implants that will match their aesthetic goals. (I talk more about the variety of breast implant options available in a related blog post.)

For example, a patient may be tempted to choose 400cc breast implants based on a friend’s beautiful results. However, if the patient and her friend have very different body types, their results will be very different. Therefore, I emphasize a customized approach to help each patient achieve their best results.

I also assess the elasticity and tone of a patient’s breast skin and tissue, how much existing breast tissue exists in relation to the chest, and then work with the patient to select a size that’s appropriate for her frame. During this time, I also assess whether additional procedures, such as a breast lift, may be needed to create the best results.

Taking a Scientific Approach

The VECTRA system provides women with tangible, accurate expectations using criteria that I enter into the system based on the collaboration described above. Instead of randomly choosing sizes, the new method is a scientific approach that mirrors the actual patient’s body.

We use the VECTRA 3D imaging system for a number of reasons, including:

  • Our patients can choose the size that best suits their needs
  • It’s a non-invasive approach to sizing
  • We can review multiple options much more quickly than with sizers

Schedule a Consultation

If you’re considering getting breast augmentation and want to see the types of results you can expect at my practice, view the before-and-after photos in our online gallery. You can also schedule a one-on-one consultation using the online form or call us at (817) 228-4315 to schedule an appointment.

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